La Mancomunidad
S.I.U.S.S. - Software Application
CRS users of social services - S.I.U.S.S.
S.I.U.S.S. is the software application that use professionals in Social work - workers social services social primary care - as a technical instrument that allows them to pick up with rigorous professional intervention and always before any professional intervention in response to a social demand.
The system secures the possibility of transgressing what the regulations by law 15/1999, of protection of data of a Personal nature, impose.
Objectives of the SIUSS
Short term
- Streamline management.
- Easy storage of data.
- It identifies the problem.
- Gather needs and resources.
- Detection of needs.
- Reorganization of resources.
- Assessment and planning.
Long term
- Planning, coordination, momentum and evaluation of SS.SS.
- Management of the growth of social resources.
- Knowledge of the evolution of needs and fitness resources.
Implementation of the S.I.U.S.S. in Mancomunidad
The S.I.U.S.S. begins to use as computer application unified by the Commonwealth of SS. SS. Sierra North in June of 2005.
This application facilitates obtaining statistics, so it facilitates the knowledge of reality, which are working at four levels with which account the SIUSS:
- Social work unit (Local Authority: MSSSN)
- Center of social services (Local Authority: MSSSN)
- Autonomous community
- Ministerio de Trabajo de España
For more more information about the S.I.U.S.S. access the official website of the Ministerio de Trabajo de España